Message From WGML President, News (West Grey Lacrosse)

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Apr 06, 2020 | Adam Stanley | 4171 views
Message From WGML President
On behalf of the West Grey Rampage Lacrosse Executive, we sincerely hope that you and your family are safe, healthy and able to navigate through these unprecedented times.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, it was obvious that the Rampage were on the path to again greatly exceed all expectations. Thank you to all!

As the Covid-19 situation unfolds, we are taking direction from the OLA and the Municipal, Provincial and Federal Governments and will update when any information becomes available. We will look at any and all possibilities of keeping our kids playing this year while understanding everybody's situation is unique.

While we all are social distancing and working to beat this, I believe it's important to stay positive and find the opportunities that are in front of us. What a perfect opportunity to play some wall ball and work on those stick skills. It's so important to get that exercise now that the weather is improving!

For those that are not up on the history of lacrosse, one of the names the First Nations had for their sport was "The Medicine Game". Could the "medicine" help us through this? This past year it became apparent that the Rampage formed an extended family. I encourage our family to reach out and support each other and share some "medicine".

I hope to see you all at the arena soon.

Adam Croll
President, West Grey Minor Lacrosse

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