2025 registration is now open. Continue to follow our website www.westgreyminorlacrosse.com, social media- Facebook and Instagram pages for the latest updates. Register now to catch the early bird pricing only available until February 15, 2025.
*Soft Lacrosse is free, consists of a 10week season, playing on Saturday mornings, and ending the weekend before school is done (June 21st). Equipment needed includes a hockey helmet with a face mask, gloves, a stick and running shoes. Team t-shirt is included.
**Paperweight consists of a 10-week season, ending the weekend before school is done (June 21st) with twice a week floor time, games and a tournament. Full equipment is required. Team t-shirt is included.
***U9-U22 Rep -One pair of team shorts, five home games, a tournament, zone playoffs and the Provincial festival fees will be included in this year’s registration. Please fill out the short size on the registration survey. Full equipment is required. This is a co-ed team and full contact.
Soft Lacrosse: ages 3 & 4; (2021 & 2022) Non-contact division - Free
Paperweight: ages 5 & 6; (2019 & 2020) Modified-contact division
– Early bird $200, After Feb 15th -$ 225
U9 Rep ages 7 & 8; (2017 & 2018)- Early bird $450, after Feb 17th $500
U11 Rep ages 9 & 10; (2015 & 2016) -Early bird $450, after Feb 17th $500
U13 Rep ages 11 & 12; (2014 & 2013)-Early bird $450, after Feb 17th $500
U15 Rep ages 13 & 14; (2012 & 2011)-Early bird $450, after Feb 17th $500
U17 Rep ages 15 & 16; (2010 & 2009)-Early bird $475, after Feb 17th $525
U22 Rep ages 17-21;(2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 & 2004)-Early bird $475, after Feb 15th $525
Jumpstart Individual Child Grants | Jumpstart
Those who use Jumpstart will need to apply and email the application approval letter to [email protected]. This must be done asap as it can take up to 6 weeks for cheques to be mailed. Once the cheque is received the registrar will complete the registration.
Jumpstart only:
Mail cheques to:
West Grey Minor Lacrosse
Box 379
Durham, Ontario
N0G 1R0
Multiplayer family discount
A family, with 3 or more children playing, will pay full registration fees for the oldest two players and 50% registration fees for the remaining children. Please contact the registrar, at [email protected] before completing registration.
Refund Policy
1. There will be a $80 administration fee for registration cancellation.
2. Full registration amount will be refunded due to program failing to be offered.
3. All other refund requests must be submitted to the executive for review.
Click here to register: