Apr 12, 2024 | Jeff Bury | 470 views
April 10th tryout
Thanks to everyone that came out for the team one tryout again,
The players made it real tough to make decisions and we still haven’t finalized things totally. We will have one final tryout this Monday. The following players are asked to attend
Joel Bak
Jack Barrett
Grayson Bell
Chase Brown
Kaleb Brown
Lelenn Buchanan
Graydon Cameron
Drew Corriveau
Hayden Farlow
Jacob Ginman
Sam Humphrey
Kole Kanters
Charlie Kolias
Owen Louttit
Fox Matthews
Maddix Matthews
Carter McClement
Brady Richardson
Liam Stanley
Gryphon Turner
Dylan Walters
Brett Becker
Cash Murdoch
If your name is not listed above, please check website for team 2 practices.